Friday, 18 June 2021



Sometime this week, I bumped into an old friend. He looked frail and haggard. This was not how he looked when I last saw him. Something was wrong. We had a long chat and at the peak of our conversation  was the fact that he had lost his job. He was a poultry farm manager and was incensed at what had happened to him. A role he managed for just three months after more than a year of searching for a job. 

He told me  his boss couldn't keep up with the rising cost of chicken feed, particularly maize, not to mention other equally expensive ingredient against the declining demand for eggs. To rub salt into his wound, his girlfriend had jilted him. I couldn't but empathize with him.  Poor chap. That reminded me of a line in one of Sarkodie's rap" sika nni wo bษ”tษ” mu a, wo ti tesษ› oguan ti". To wit, if you have no money, your head looks like that of a sheep. 

The level of unemployment has become alarming. Young girls are giving themselves to men their

grandfather's age to survive on the daily. Young men are living on hand outs from friends who are struggling themselves and yet each day, we see, hear and read reports of reckless spending by the elite. Why?  This isn't what we bargained for. One strike action by workers here or there, Crime rates are high and all "someone" could say is that "it is only in heaven there is no crime". I fear for my unborn children and  those after. I wonder what country we shall bequeath to them. 

In the mean time, since there are no crimes in heaven, let's drink all the beer to wash down our pains here on earth. Cheers.๐Ÿบ

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Mi Smile Foundation, a not for profit organization based in Accra has donated packs of sanitary items to pupils at Akuffokrom, a small community on the fringes of Nsawam in the Eastern region. The move was in commemoration of “World Menstrual Hygiene day” observed on 28th May each year. however, the foundation will carry out similar activities through out the year into the ensuing year.


The Menstrual hygiene day is to highlight the importance of good menstrual hygiene management.

Speaking at the ceremony, an executive of My Smile Foundation, Pearl Amo-Adu said, “ it is an utter misfortune for any woman regardless of their age not to be able to take good care of themselves at that time of the month. It is in this regard that, MiSmile foundation gave several packs of sanitary pads and other related items to girls of Akuffokrom M/A school to make their stay in school comfortable whilst educating the young girls on proper menstrual hygiene.

Receiving the items, the assembly member of the town, Hon. Christian K.K. Asare was grateful for the kind gesture stating that, it will go a long way to promote the interest of the girls in school as they will not have any more excuses not to attain classes. 


At a point in our lives, we shall pass on. However, how it happens will either leave those we leave behind in a sorry state than sad. How we got here as a country still beats my mind. The sheer lawlessness  scares me to the bone. We are not safe. 

Last week, a friend of mine and her colleagues were attacked by an armed young man in her car after work. But for the bravery of my friend, her colleague seated at the front would have sustained severe injuries. I cannot put my thoughts together well because it is getting frustrating each day. If there is anything to be done to nib it, it should be done now!!! that is, if it hasn't got out of hand. At a point I believe people will take things into their own hands. I cannot imagine all of us going about our daily activities  with one deadly weapon or the other in the name of self- defense. It will spiral into something else

There have been dozens of such cases but a few have been reported. The killing of the young police officer leave a lot of questions on my mind. If the people paid and equipped from the public purse to sustain what is left of the peace and security of the citizens are being slaughtered in broad day light, then your guess is as good as mine as to what may happen to the ordinary citizens. 

Just a few hours ago, there was a video of some young lads brandishing side arms and other sophisticated arms on social media. The question is "how the f**k did we get here"?

To those in whose hands the safety of the country lies, don't wait until it gets out of hand. There are many young people walking the streets hungry. A weapon in the hands of such might spell doom. Crime does not discriminate. This is a call to all to put our shoulders to the wheel. ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ž