Tuesday, 16 February 2021


I’m not an expert in this field but I surely do understand and know what it feels like to be “depressed” at a time like this. Without being told, I recognize many persons are going through diverse range of stress. A handful are managing it well and many are not. Businesses which hitherto were standing tall have been brought down to their knee, laying off workers leaving only a few who are either slashing salaries into halves or crawling just to stay afloat, leaving only a couple operating at full capacity.

Like a wrecking ball, it came uninvited, sneaking up on us smashing and sniffing out life from everything in its way. This guess cared not about who was rich, poor, young or old. Neither was it thoughtful of the strong nor weak, noble or dishonorable.

It covered the world in its unwanted warmth like a blanket, darkening the path of those who were brave to wrestle it but to no avail. Like a inglorious judge, Covid-19 judged the world without first hearing its case.

In spite of the above, it is important that we marshal efforts to fight it like an insurgent gaining

grounds on our turf. We certainly do not lack the know how but we have become complacent, cross examining ourselves rather than the pandemic. We have to be a little more kinder to ourselves and selfish in protecting others by observing all safety measures, otherwise, it is long lonely path.  




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