Sunday 22 August 2021


In Asia where they are made, they are used predominantly to cart goods from one point to the other in a closed area or at most close circuited towns. However, in Ghana the case differs. They are on our by passes, community streets, lanes and grudgingly our high ways.Threferred to as “Aboboyaa”.


All around, in towns and cities-big and small or sprawling, you will not miss its 99cc peculiar engine sound often under such weight its three tubeless tyres could manage. Neither can the dull green or bright red colours be missed.


In recent times, there have been many calls on government to either re-classify the Accra- Tema motorway or have it refurbished and expanded. Often ladened with all manner of items(food items, wooden planks and garbage), they are in constant competition for space with other road users without regards to their fast or intimidating presence, thereby putting everyone at risk of getting involved in an accident. I am obviously not against anyone trying to fend for themselves but not at the detriment of other people’s lives and properties. Perhaps a law could be passed to preclude them from using  the motorway especially

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